Keep Those New Year’s Resolutions

Happy Friday! Can you belive we are already into week two of 2016?

The last few months, we spent copius amounts of time preparing for this new year: planning every facet of our business, from changes we are undergoing, to new processes we are implementing, and of course, setting out detailed goals and ways we will measure them.

Among our personal and business goals are underlying New Year’s Resolutions that will (hopefully) help us obtain our them. But, of course, everything looks great on paper until you realize the amount of energy and effort it really takes to fulfill these high reaching goals! We’ve all been there — we skip that protein shake for a piece of birthday cake at the office, press snooze one (or three) too many times, and our careful plans for organization are lost under piles of miskept desk notes and disorderly email boxes.

Well, friends, not this year! To help keep you on track after the New Year Glow wears off, here are a few tips to help you meet your personal or professional goals and stick to those 2016 New Years Resolutions:

Keep it simple!

1. Keep your resolutions simple.

This was always my downfall — make a sky-high goal of doing “x”, which would involve these ten additional activities to help get there. Sometimes people find themselves aiming for an overhaul of their entire lifestyle, and this is simply a recipe for disappointment and guilt. Instead, the best approach is to focus clearly on one or two of your most important goals. If you can’t explain your goal in a simple sentence, it is too complex!

Plan your goals and resolutions into managable steps.

2. Plan your goals in managable steps with milestones and targets.

Break goals down to manageable chunks. This is perhaps the most essential ingredient for success, as the more planning you do, the more likely you are to get there in the end. Set clear, realistic goals such as losing 5 pounds, saving $30 a month, or going for a run once a week. Decide exactly how you will make this happen.

Hold yourself accountable by committing to a time-frame.

3. Plan a time-frame.

Once you have decided exactly how you will make your goals happen, put them to a time-frame! In fact, the time-frame is vital for motivation. It is your barometer for success, the way you assess your short-term progress towards the ultimate long-term goal. Use a calendar or diary so you can plan your actions for the coming weeks or months, and decide when and how often to evaluate.

Surround yourself with those that will keep you accountable.

4. Receive support.

It is when times get tough that your support network is crucial. Carefully choose those people around you who have shown themselves to be trustworthy, supportive friends and explain your plans. Let them know of ways they can help when the going gets tough, and if they’re truly caring they’ll know the right things to say during the hard times, while keeping you accountable.

Own it!

5. Put yourself in charge!

These achievements are under your control – other people can advise and support you, but it’s your actions that need to change to see the results you want. Having a strong sense of control over your life is necessary to stick with your plans. Those who blame everyone and everything apart from themselves will not have the resources needed to change. Yes, it’s scary to take responsibility for your future, but surely it’s better than the alternative!

2016 can be your best year, yet! What are your goals and resolutions for this year? How do you plan on acheiving them?

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